VIRTUAL EVENT: Healthy Boundaries - Healthy Home - May 12 at 7pm Central from San Antonio Marriage Initiative | What’s happening in Indianapolis

VIRTUAL EVENT: Healthy Boundaries - Healthy Home - May 12 at 7pm Central from San Antonio Marriage Initiative

*The event has already taken place on this date: Tue, 05/12/2020
Working from home, homeschooling, and maintaining a healthy family life while trying to cope during quarantine can leave us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.

Working from home, homeschooling, and maintaining a healthy family life while trying to cope during quarantine can leave us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Knowing our tendency, especially right now, we can get carried away with taking care of others and forget to take care of ourselves. Yet taking care of yourself can actually help you take better care of others.

Join Linda Goldfarb, award winning author, coach, and speaker, as she shares her simple and practical ideas and resources of how to implement healthy boundaries for self care, while creating a structure at home that will care for your family too.

Linda will guide attendees through...

  • How to identify negotiable and non negotiables that demand your time,
  • How to structure free time,
  • How to understand and respond to the personalities in your home, and
  • Physical health habits that will move families toward oneness in any home.

Linda’s passion for living well and laughing well is designed to help each person in the home take simple steps to let go of negativity and thrive.

It is never too late to reclaim joy, peace and hope for a healthy home


Linda Goldfarb is the CEO of Live Powerfully Now, Founder of “Parenting Awesome Kids” , International Speaker, former radio host, and award winning author. She is widely recognized as a bold, passionate, and transparent communicator. Linda is happily married to her best friend, lover, and golfing buddy, Sam, for 30 + years. They have four adult children, eight grandchildren, and three awesome country dogs.

Click here to get to San Antonio Marriage Initiative

a few minutes before: 8pm Eastern / 7pm Central / 6pm Mountain / 5pm Pacific / 4pm Alaskan


*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


23995 Bat Cave Rd
San Antonio, TX, 78266
United States
Contact name: 
The event has already taken place on this date: 
8pm Eastern / 7pm Central / 6pm Mountain / 5pm Pacific / 4pm Alaskan