Allen County War Memorial Coliseum

The Mission of the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum was first defined in 1946, by a vote of the county’s taxpayers, authorizing the construction of a living memorial to the Nation’s war veterans. Implicit in that authorization was the necessity for ongoing maintenance of the building, plus the management of all business affairs relating to the facility.
To that end, the Coliseum Board of Trustees entrusts a professional management staff to: oversee a clean, safe, well-maintained physical environment and provide responsible fiscal management, aimed at maintaining the Memorial Coliseum complex as a self-supporting entity. Thus our Mission extends to the responsibility for the production of maximum income, through the promotion of a diversity of entertainment, athletic, educational, and business-related events and activities. This lively mix of building usage ensures that the county’s tribute to those who served their country is truly a “Living Memorial."